If you said "YES" to any of these....
- You are ready to claim your sovereignty and power as the queen you are
- You know you are meant for something bigger and live the life of your dreams
- You are feeling the transition of the times and a call to go deeper and claim
- You feel a pull to help others and raise the vibration of the planet
- You are committed to emerging from this year and age with passion and purpose
- You don’t let FEAR stop you from chasing the life of your dreams
- You are ready for more money, freedom, love, and expansion
- You know you are here on the planet to help and leave a lasting impact
Then we believe you are ready to step into your highest potential and timeline and we’re here to help because of how important this is for your future and all to come.

On December 21st we have a Winter Solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere and The Great Conjunction (Saturn and Jupiter) opening a major cosmic portal.
Shake up the status quo
Design a life full of powerful manifestations
Nurture and heal your mind, body and soul to recognize your wholeness
Forgive your past and accept yourself just as you are
Stay super grounded + expanded through all of life’s upheavals

This was a year of shadows and soul-recognition. A year of loss, death, fear, anxiety, unlearning, discovering, hard truths, harder conversations, and uprising. This year showed us what we’re made of and what we’re capable of.
For some, maybe you’ve felt defeated and been uncomfortable and suffered great loss and trauma. And our love is with you. But maybe, you also saw a vision for your highest expansion coming in crystal clear.
There is nothing that can keep you from living at your highest vibration. Now is the time to stay grounded in your truth, power and peace to fully manifest the abundance you are calling in.
Now we have cosmic energy here to really support us in shifting and transforming this energy.
And we are giving you the tools to do so in one simple package.
You’ve heard it being said over and over - this year has been unprecedented.
So, it’s not crazy to say that your expansion can be!
This is our time to GO BEYOND our limits and raise the Conscious Collective and these tools will shift your energy to align you to do that!
We’re in for some truly interesting and innovative times ahead. The world is fully able to restructure now. Bring your vision through your chakra pillar and get to work.

With our Thrive + Arrive Bundle you’ll learn:
The energetic mindset and energy tools to gracefully move through a massive transition to the Aquarian Age that kicks off on December 21st during Winter Solstice and The Great Conjunction (Saturn and Jupiter) that hasn’t happened in 800 years.
The Schumann Resonance hit a skyrocketing record of 800 and more light and information than EVER before is available and pouring down onto the planet. This bundle gives you the tools you need to anchor in more of this energy, stay super grounded, expand and inspire and assist in the community in holding a high frequency.
We have compiled much of our best content from our high level Mastermind Program ($3k+ value) that only opens once a year to a handful of select women, plus content from some of our other courses, programs, and some brand new live events! Get access to our LIVE Winter Solstice + Great Conjunction Kundalini Activation, plus a LIVE Post Winter Solstice Shamanic Healing Circle with one of the shamans we are working closest with Olivia Weil - only available in this bundle!
We want 2021 to be your year of transformation and innovation. A year to feel freer and more capable to make the changes you've been thinking about for a long time. The year you went beyond your limits!
LIVE 2-Hour Winter Solstice + Great Conjunction Kundalini Activation (valued at $297) on Dec 20, 2020 at 5pm PT: When you utilize the powerful energy of Kundalini yoga with a power day like the Winter Solstice, you’re more attuned to release old powers and paradigms and move into a new world. This is an “everything you’ve been preparing for has led you to this moment” kind of moment. Together, we'll amplify this powerful energy together. We’ll give you an astrological overview and guide you through a full-length Kriya and Kundalini meditation to release the energy of 2020 and any lingering Piscean Age energy, and align with the powerful opportunities and light codes that are coming in to anchor in more Aquarian Age golden energy for ourselves and the planet.
LIVE Post Winter Solstice Shamanic Healing Circle with Shaman Olivia Weil (valued at $500) on Dec 22, 2020 at 2pm PT:
Join our friend and modern shaman, Olivia Weil in this 1-hour long Shamanic Energy Healing Circle on the day after the Winter Solstice. The energy of the Solstice is at its strongest three days before and three days after, in this experience Olivia will help to integrate the energy, release anything stagnant and call in new energy ahead of the new year. She uses universal energies and makes changes in the energetic realms to then cause shifts in the material realms. Together, we'll set an intention to let go of what no longer serves us as we go into a New Year. Shamanic Healer Olivia Weil will also lead us down a special Shamanic Journey. We have seen massive rolling miracles and dramatic shifts from our sessions with her and had to share the love. One session alone with her is $300-500!
LIVE Intention Setting and Embodiment Vision Workshop (valued at $297) on Jan 5, 2021 at 6pm PT:
Join us for a live manifesting, goal setting and embodiment workshop the Elevate the Globe way + lifetime replay you can use again and again for your intentions! We are so excited to all come together and channel in new energy to blast off our intentions for 2020, code them into our DNA and aura and magnetize them into our physical field. We are tapping into higher consciousness through the third eye to call in our highest timelines, highest purpose, and highest joy and abundance for 2021 with big visions for ourselves and the globe. Get clear from the place of your true self and desire expansive place to call in the life of your dreams. No more waiting. This is the way we manifested Elevate the Globe and our constant growth and expansion, our book deal, our LA homes, travel, Britt’s babies and pain free fast births, our increasing income AND SO MUCH MORE!
Abundance vs. Lack Workshop (valued at $297):
The key to thriving in the Aquarian Age is to know yourself and release the fear and illusion energy that lives in the frequency of lack through letting go of unresolved pain and releasing limited stories. We will break down where and how lack may be showing up unconsciously in your life and running the show, give you practical and energetic tools to identify and shift your beliefs, thoughts and energy into more abundance, freedom and possibility. Get ready to take notes and watch again and again for the inspiration you need to continue to elevate your relationships, bank account and joy and fun levels. This is one that the exclusive smaller group of women who were in the workshop said was life changing and created an energetic shift that catapulted their life into their next level prosperous place.
Grief Meditation (valued at $297):
So many have experienced grief this year and you may be grieving the way things were, grieving old parts of yourself or you may be dealing with the loss of a loved one and missing them around the holidays. We recommend practicing this meditation for 40 days if you want to release grief and it has been one that has really helped Britt heal from the loss of her Mom and other family members. "When we feel that we truly and appropriately have experienced the totality of our grief and decide that it is time to look forward, Smiling Buddha meditation may be considered as a technology to provide maximum transformation. Smiling Buddha Meditation is extremely effective in providing the means to elevate ourselves in a very specific way to maximize our luminescence as humans. It is a meditation for repairing and opening the heart center. When the heart is open you can only feel elevated and blissfully fulfilled." - Sewa Singh This kriya is said to have been practiced by both Buddha and Christ. The great Brahmin who taught Buddha this kriya found him in a nearly starved and unhappy condition. Buddha was unable to walk after his 40-day fast under the fig tree. He began eating slowly. That great Brahmin fed him and massaged him. When Buddha finally started smiling again, the Brahmin gave him this kriya to practice.
Rebirth + Cord Cutting Kundalini Activation (valued at $297):
Release trauma, old patterns, programming, and stagnant energy that is keeping 3D past paradigms present in your reality to release what is ready to heal and create space and roots for the New Earth with this Activation. Trauma is the alienation from one’s essential self and although we can’t go back into the past and change it, we do have the ability to reconnect with our true self and release frequencies that are creating separation from our souls expansion. Our essential self is always available to us and we will reconnect through a re-birthing and cord cutting Kundalini experience. This is the cleanse your soul will thank you for many lifetimes later.
Light Warrior Training Total System Stimulation (valued at $197):
Warrior Up! We’ll take a Light Warrior’s Journey during this class and tune up our entire body vehicle to become stronger, louder and more powerful. This 90 minute kriya from our Summer Lovestream Retreat will pressurize our system, create great strength in our minds and bodies and will tune you up to the frequency of the new paradigm unfolding. We’ll walk the leading edge, leaving behind our old personas and growing into our greatness.
Heart Chakra Cracked Open Morning Sadhana (valued at $197):
A morning sadhana to open your heart chakra and expand your capacity to give and receive love! This class will open the heart, increase compassion and sensitivity to others, and help you to drop emotional defensiveness. Its calming effect allows you to eliminate unnecessary thoughts and feelings, so you can be more in the present and experience your feelings more clearly. Then we will go deeper to balance the frequency of love to ascend your energy to the vibration of joy and freedom. Love is the ultimate power and you have to feel it to believe it so get ready to feel all the feels. You’ll come out feeling 5D expansive AF.
All of these workshops and videos -
- are anywhere from 30min - 2hr. in length
- include practical tips + spiritual tools to begin putting the lessons into actions
- contain powerful downloads and messages from ancient Kundalini teachings
Intention Setting Soul Work (valued at $197): Tons of high vibe, thought provoking journal prompts specifically for the end of 2020 and going into 2021 that will help you clear and release limiting ideas and stories to tap into your full potential and alignment! These will support you to pull up junk from the subconscious that is running the show through high-vibe mindset tools to begin thinking of this year as a year of destiny and truly get clear and create what you want. Let’s set up 2021 in the most abundant place to be the leaders of the new earth and usher in this new age.
Limited Release Seasonal Elevate the Globe T-Shirt (valued at $40): A white with rust colored text “Elevate the Globe” crop shirt perfect for your Kundalini practices, yoga flow, meditation, lounging, or WFH! We got over 100 people asking for this and so we decided to offer it for this bundle and will ship it to you. We ship to US and Canada only and they will ship the first week of January!

That’s over $2000 worth of content at a lower price to support you on your journey to expansion!
You can upgrade this amazing package with a total Winter Solstice Activation day pass with our dear friend Sonia G of Moon Babes and the Light Tribe on 12/21.
Join Sonia G on this Solstice for a day of dancing and weaving the Light from the ethers to Earth across the planet to fully anchor in our New Earth reality together as Jupiter and Saturn come into conjunction sending a massive wave of Light and blast New Divine Codes our way!
Sonia G will be teaching you how to work with the Plasma Light Frequencies and activate the sequence of the 12 strands of DNA coming online inside of your body to sustain the Light Body Ascension Phase. You will be working with Pleiadian Guides, with the Angels and Archangels, with the Elements and the 4 directions in this magical moment of divine planetary alignment. If you have not your Pleiadian Guides yet this will be your day! We do receive very strong confirmations when we do this work and you will be guided every step of the way. We will do all of our work safely, observing protocols of Light, clearing our space and honoring our bodies and soul embodiment experiences.

LIFETIME ACCESS to all this amazing content so you can keep coming back to it again and again when you need a boost of inspiration!
Can’t wait to tap into this energy with you and to offer you this incredible opportunity to work with us and some of our favorite guides
We want to leave you with this reminder…
Together Jupiter and Saturn combine the vision, the expansion, the discipline to manifest the changes necessary to advance humanity. Jupiter is the true optimist, forward thinking energy and Saturn is the grounding force throwing reality checks - both required to make efficient and necessary change.
Remember through it all that it’s okay to disagree with people but also still remain open and loving towards humanity. The goal isn’t to all believe the SAME thing but to respect one another and our beliefs.

Sarah shared,
“I truly feel that we created this tribe of healers and lightworkers that is just so special. I feel so honored to carry on what you have started with us.”

Juli said,
“I just wanted to say that I’m so happy to be part of such a positive supportive community! I love that we are digging deeper, growing stronger and even thriving as we do our best to be beacons of light in the tumultuous times around us. So grateful to be here, with you.”

Kelly said,
You women are just so inspirational and beautiful and vibrant and glowing and I love every second of watching you guys. I've never felt such energy flowing through my body like I do when I'm in these groups with you guys so I thank you so much and I think the universe for bringing me to you guys!!

Kelly said,
You women are just so inspirational and beautiful and vibrant and glowing and I love every second of watching you guys. I've never felt such energy flowing through my body like I do when I'm in these groups with you guys so I thank you so much and I think the universe for bringing me to you guys!!

Christine said,
I'm so glad that somehow the stars and planets aligned and I found you two. I've learned so much from the challenge that I don't even know where to begin. Every single day of the challenge has brought me closer to living that high vibe life!
Actually, I'm already living it! I'm so excited to dive deeper and immerse myself into all things high vibe living. You guys are just amazing! Thanks for sharing all these tools with us!

We’re Britt Deanda and Tara Schulenberg—co-founders of Elevate the Globe, certified Kundalini yoga and meditation instructors, reiki practitioners, and healers here to raise consciousness on the planet.
We’re high-vibrational living experts who pair the energy work of Kundalini yoga with mindset training and cosmic syncing to help people align with their own truth and the best way of living.
Our podcast, classes, events, retreats, courses, and membership community deliver incredibly transformative results. The transmission of energy we provide ignites people from all walks of life to uplevel and step into their power as happy, healthy, and abundant lightworkers elevating the globe and we can’t wait for this Align + Magnetize Course Bundle to serve you and transform your year and life to another level!
Olivia Weil
Olivia Weil is a modern shaman and seeress, trained and initiated by the lineages of the high Andes. As a former clerk to a federal judge and NY attorney, she practiced law in Manhattan for several years before experiencing a series of healing crises, or opportunities. After healing on all levels, she immersed herself in shamanic trainings, gathering more tools to integrate the shamanic gifts she was born with. She works with all walks of life in her private practice, including world leaders, business men and women, celebrities, influencers, and five-star resorts and spas worldwide, sharing her medicine.
Sonia G

Sonia G is here to be your Cosmic Guide through exciting Higher Consciousness Experiences that bridge the gap between Heaven & NewEarth during this LightBody birthing phase of Ascension. She went through her own Awakening 13 years ago and has since been on her own High Vibe Journey. For over 13 years now, she has been practicing as a certified Reiki Master, Gestalt Therapist, Life Coach, Breakthrough Healer and as of 2017 also a Meditation Teacher, Astral Travel Teacher (recently nominated myself Queen of the Astral Planes) & Spiritual Digital Course Creator. Sonia G has studied Theta Healing and other reprogramming techniques, fields from Astrology to Kundalini, and incorporated the teachings of my Angels, Starbeings, Guides & The Light Family Team into all her courses.
Due to the instant access and live nature of parts of this bundle program, and all the energy and love we’ve poured into creating this for you, the bundle is non-refundable.
Assumption of Risk: Elevate the Globe is dedicated to your safety however you must take responsibility for your own safety. The ideas, yogic postures, procedures, and suggestions given during this bundle and during the live gatherings are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice from a trained health professional. Before you begin any exercise or health program and before adopting the suggestions, please always consult your physician, as well as about any condition that may require diagnosis or medical attention. The benefits attributed to the practice of Kundalini yoga and meditation stem from centuries-old yogic tradition. Results will vary with individuals. Elevate the Globe shall be liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestion within this program.