Does this sound familiar?
- You’re looking for new ways to stay connected to Earth and your highest self
- You moved through major transformations and are ready to co-create your highest path forward
- You envision major, glittering golden dreams out of this human experience
- You’re ready to take your unique gifts out into the world and make an impact
- You want a life full of joy, abundance and love
- You know you’re meant to become a force of empowerment for yourself and those around you
Then you must know...

Are you ready to move through times of stress, anxiety and dis-ease as your highest self?
Design your life with love and intention
Call in powerful manifestations and miracles
Call in energies and dive connections perfectly aligned for a most abundant + divine you.
Forgive your past and accept yourself just as you are.

It’s time to recommit to your spiritual practice, connect to the divine, and show up entirely for your life. Clear and release anxiety, anger, stress and trauma stopping you from meeting your purest, most abundant future.
And we are giving you the tools to do so in one simple package.
We are here to show you how to stay grounded & graceful though all of life’s uncertainties!
With our Align + Magnetize Bundle you’ll learn:
How to align your energy and magnetize what you want versus the urge to hustle and go after it; all while having amazing health, happiness and relationships...burnout is NOT necessary to live your dream life!

- Manifesting Through the Golden Chain - Practical + Mystical Tools to Magnetize Your Desires Workshop (valued at $297): A Kundalini Yoga Workshop with a lecture, discussion and activity to tap into the energy of the golden chain which invites the lineage of wisdom to flow through you, and clean out the ego so that intuition and love can serve!
- Activate + Balance the Heart Chakra Kundalini Yoga Class (valued at $297):Open the flow of love and compassion for yourself and for others with this full-length Kundalini Yoga class led by Britt. The energy available to us with this chakra is so profoundly beautiful and is such a high-vibrational energy. It’s the connection from the unconscious energy in your lower energy centers to the conscious energy in your upper energy centers. Once this channel is open and unblocked your whole self has the potential to be fully balanced. It gives you a sense of awareness in how others see you and how you see your higher self.
- The Magic Trifecta - Love, Health + Wealth Workshop (valued at $297): A workshop to align your energy to elevate for high levels of love, health, and wealth because you can and DO deserve all of it! We feel like all three are the magic combination that allows us to thrive and feel our best so we can be trailblazers and change makers all in our own ways! This will align your energy and your mindset to bring in or amplify your current love, health, and wealth status, STAT!
- Drop Your Limitations to Amplify Workshop You (valued at $297): A powerful workshop to guide and facilitate the release of societal, familial, ancestral, and past patterning so you can reclaim your true self that is limitless and connected to love and truth. Kick fear behind you so that love can run the show and magnetize the happiness, love and abundance that is your birthright!
- Elevate Your Prominent Vibration + How to Get in Alignment Before Action Video (valued at $149): A video to deeply understand getting in alignment and show you the key to the mindset behind alignment and action that will inspire you to make powerful change. Uplevel the way you operate and your awareness on when and how to move toward inspired actions most efficiently! Watch it as many times as you want to get in this energy and allow it to click and elevate you into massive shifts like it has for our Mastermind clients!
- How to Take the Most Empowered Inspired Action for Your Highest Path Video (valued at $149): A video guide to implement the Law of Action on your highest path. This is another one you can listen to again and again to be inspired and develop a deep understanding of Inspired Actions that are effective and correct for you and which ones are not!
- Full Chakra Balancing Meditation (valued at $149): A full Chakra Balancing Meditation to heal, open and balance your energy centers to allow for the full flow of energy to support your alignment and manifestations. This is extremely healing and a great one to practice in the evenings or whenever you want an extra alignment boost! Feel free to practice it every day for a major shift.
- Cord-Cutting Audio Meditation (valued at $149): We create energetic cords to all people and things we cultivate a relationship with and in creating alignment it’s important to recognize when they are draining your energy. This meditation has had miraculous results for so many in the community to take back the energy you may be giving away or taking on from others! It’s so powerful to release attachments that could be holding you back from the alignment you want!!
- Meditation to Open the Lock of the 4th Heart Center (valued at $197): This downloaded meditation helps to align your energy for quantum leaps! Use it for your morning ritual and it’s recommended to practice it for at least 40 Days and beyond to open the flow of love and miracles in! IT IS PURE MAGIC!
- BONUS: Disease Resistance Kriya and Immune Boosting Breathwork Meditation(valued at $297): Keep your body healthy and strong through this powerful Kundalini practice and breathwork meditation.
And because we love you + support you, we’re giving you extra special bonuses:
- Journal Prompts (valued at $197): Tons of high vibe, thought provoking journal prompts that will help you clear and release limiting ideas and stories to tap into your full potential and alignment! These will support you to pull up junk from the subconscious that is running the show through high-vibe mindset tools to begin thinking of this year as a year of destiny and truly get clear and create what you want.
Over 6 hours of AMAZING content from our Raise Your Vibration Challenge that everyone always asks to buy and watch again and again!
- Mindset + Stress Management - Intro to Mindfulness Video (valued at $99): A lecture on the techniques to shift your mindset to a higher vibration. Learn the importance of having a daily stress management routine. We’ll talk about meditation, breathwork and grounding and inspire you into action quick.
- Intro to Cleansing Video (valued at $99): Ways to cleanse and release low vibrational blocks that could be holding you back in your environment, relationships, consumption, and career. We cover all areas of life and the tools to let go and release consistently so your energy isn’t being clogged and blocked!
- Movement + Energy Work Video (valued at $99): A guide on the ancient teachings of Kundalini Yoga and exercises to help release stress, improve sleep + digestion, increase your energy, and raise your vibration overall. This will give your mind the understanding and motivation you need to commit and step up to the energy work that will move the needle and make a difference in your alignment and manifestations
- High-Vibrational Food + Nutrition Video (valued at $99): Insight into the kinds of foods that lower your vibe, ways to release unhealthy cravings and create a loving, supportive relationship with food. Uplevel the way you are eating so that food is supporting your visions and dreams and acting as medicine that gives you more high vibrational energy. This one will spring you into inspired action!
- Connection + Manifesting Video (valued at $99): Self-love practices that will allow you to improve your inner state, raise your vibration, therefore raising the vibration of everything and everyone around you. We share how we use astrology and the moon phases to take this to another level. This one is chock full of manifesting info that will take all of your energy work to the next level!
- Full-Length Kundalini Yoga Class to Balance the Aura (valued at $199): Our electromagnetic energy field is known as the aura and attracts and magnetizes what you are aligned with into your life and repels what is NOT a match. A strong and balanced aura will help protect you from negative energy and keep you healthy. We use this kriya to help protect and heal us as we build strong energetic connections and call in powerful manifestations. It builds all your chakras and expands the radiance of your aura. This one is a GAME CHANGER!
- Kundalini Stress Relief Breathwork Meditation (valued at $99): Breathwork is a powerful tool for stress relief + anxiety, but since our practices are rooted in Kundalini we’ve found this ancient Kundalini technique for releasing stress to be extremely powerful. This meditation specifically targets the energy of stress to wash it away entirely from your body with the flow of prana back into your body.
- Kundalini Cleansing Breathwork Meditation - "Sitali Pranayam"(valued at $99): This breathwork, or pranayam, gives you the power + strength to have the courage to cleanse whatever you want from your life. It also has a cooling effect that works at a cellular level to detox the body, so that's pretty rad too.

That’s over $2700 worth of content at a lower price to support you on your journey to call in miracles!
LIFETIME ACCESS to all this amazing content so you can keep coming back to it again and again when you need a boost of inspiration!
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What people are saying about the Elevate The Globe community?

Christine shared,
I'm so glad that somehow the stars and planets aligned and I found you two. I've learned so much from the challenge that I don't even know where to begin. Every single day of the challenge has brought me closer to living that high vibe life! Actually, I'm already living it! I'm so excited to dive deeper and immerse myself into all things high vibe living. You guys are just amazing! Thanks for sharing all these tools with us!

Sarah said,
“I truly feel that we created this tribe of healers and lightworkers that is just so special. I feel so honored to carry on what you have started with us.”

Terilyn shared,
I've been reflecting on all that has unfolded for me since the last full moon and what my intentions were. It always amazes me how once you ask for something you need to let go and just trust as everything happens. I think trusting the process without panicking or doubting the journey is honestly the hardest of all the soul work I've done and continue to do. Now on this full moon there is so much creative energy buzzing around my home. There is a great chance that my partner may start his own food truck business and we have someone who wants to invest in this dream too. We have dreamt of owning this type of business for awhile now. I feel so blessed and hopeful. The last moon cycle was a bit of a doozy but my bold Aries nature doesn't allow for gentle and slow change lol. I can't wait to see what happens in the upcoming moon cycle. This course has provided so much direction and focus. And all at the perfect time!! Truly magical.

Kalee said,
ETG changed my life in the most profound way. I’m looking at the world and my life out of a different lense.

Stephanie shared,
I have spent this entire year stressing over my finances. I was in debt and it just seemed like it would never end. It was holding me back from everything! Money is all I thought about! After all of the amazing work I have done this year in this course I finally saw my solution. I took the steps I needed to take to change for good. Once I showed up, the universe did too. Everything just started to flow to me! My side job has doubled in clients, unexpected money has come in. I’ve also released a relationship that was unhealthy and keeping me stuck. I feel so free! And it’s not just because I have more money in my bank account. (Although that helps!) It’s that I feel like a different person - a person that is in control of her future.

Danielle said,
Elevate the Globe opened up my mind, body, and my spiritual energy to flow with love in all ways.

Ericka shared,

We’re Britt Deanda and Tara Schulenberg—co-founders of Elevate the Globe, certified Kundalini yoga and meditation instructors, reiki practitioners, and healers here to raise consciousness on the planet.
We’re high-vibrational living experts who pair the energy work of Kundalini yoga with mindset training and cosmic syncing to help people align with their own truth and the best way of living.
Our podcast, classes, events, retreats, courses, and membership community deliver incredibly transformative results. The transmission of energy we provide ignites people from all walks of life to uplevel and step into their power as happy, healthy, and abundant lightworkers elevating the globe and we can’t wait for this Align + Magnetize Course Bundle to serve you and transform your year and life to another level!
Questions? Email support@elevatetheglobe.com